May 30, 2019
Meet Emily Ignatoff, a high school student who used ARS algae for her science fair project this year on the interaction between algae and microplastics..
She competed in both the regional and state level in Arizona this year. At the regional fair (SARSEF) she won a first place award for marine related research from the Desert Dolphins Diving Club, as well as first place in Earth and Environmental Sciences and a grand award for $500, called the Caterpillar Award for a Better World!!!
At the state level (AZSEF) she placed second in the Earth and Environmental Sciences category!!!
Recently she has been nominated for and is applying for the honor of being recognized as one of the four Future Innovators of the Year or two honorable mentions at the Governor's Celebration of Innovation!
We at ARS applaud her drive and curiosity! Great Work Emily we stand behind you 100%.