For an RFQ, please let us know the following information:
- Number of students?
- Number of students per group?
- Product / Project interest (example: Brainy Briny's or Algae only)? You can also describe your project.
- Culture Vessels Do you prefer tissue culture flasks (size?), self standing centrifuge tubes, or do you have your own growing vessels (Please let us know volume you want to get to per student/group to calculate algae quantity).
- How much time do you want to commit to the project? (We have projects from 1-hour through multiple years.)
- Is your project and experiment, if so what is your estimated "n" per group
- How much culture media will you need? (#groups x culture vessel volume x "n")
- Do you want your students to make the media themselves or do it as a group?
- Do you want to share the algae inoculum with a classroom (multiple groups 1-liter bottles), or would you rather have us meter it into 15 or 50mL containers?
- Do you want us to bag the zooplankton individually or do it as a group? (Individual are ~50 cysts, great for 50ml to 1000ml.)
We will respond as fast as we can.