June 18, 2019
Our mission at Algae Research Supply is to save the planet (we’re total geeks, as you know), and that’s why we use recycled boxes. All this means for you is that some of the product you buy from us will be in a random cardboard box rather than an Algae Research Supply box. We ensure not to give you gross, broken boxes. We aim to give you quality recycled material.
If the box your product has come in looks used, that’s because it is! Not to worry, though, there is no difference in the quality of our product whether it comes in a used box or brand-new Algae Research Supply box. When we package and ship products, we use all boxes we already have first, then use new boxes as needed.
So, why do we reuse boxes? Our goal here at Algae Research Supply is to save the planet. While most of our planet-saving efforts have to do with algae, we also hope to practice conservationist measures in our manufacturing process. In reusing boxes we already have, we are using less new product, and therefore destroying fewer trees.
Reusing boxes is simple, we just save our boxes instead of immediately disposing of them. It’s easy, it’s helpful, and we hope our efforts contribute to conserving our environment. Even if it’s a small contribution, we are still working to save the planet, one box at a time.