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About the Algae:
This newly isolated Chlamydomonas sp. is a unicellular, flagellated green algae; collected during the summer of 2024 from a birdbath in East San Diego County. It exhibits very strong positive phototaxis(actively swimming toward light), which was used to isolate the strain in the lab. Remarkably, it grows readily in reverse osmosis water with the addition of F/2 nutrients, indicating its potential for easy cultivation. The genus Chlamydomonas is well-established in microalgal biotechnology, with Chlamydomonas reinhardtii being one of the most studied organisms for photosynthesis, motility, and flagellar biology.

At present, the mating type of this new isolate (whether + or -) remains undetermined, and its exact phylogenetic position within the Chlamydomonas genus is also unclear. This presents an exciting opportunity for further research; calling all Chlamy scientists!

Culture Kit: coming soon!

Freshwater Media Kit

Should I order a the CULTURE or the CULTURING KIT?  

The culture is just that- algae culture in a bottle.  

The culturing kit is (1) algae culture, (2) algae culturing salts, (3) algae culturing nutrients.

The KIT will get you to a total volume that is much greater than the initial volume of the culture.